
A notebook

Fixing bugs of minimap mode

minimap-mode-demo Enable scroll-feature when mouse cursor is on minimap buffer ;; ;; minimap mode ;; (leaf minimap :ensure t :require t :custom ((minimap-window-location . 'right) ;;(minimap-hide-fringe . t) (minimap-update-delay . 0.05) (…


# コマンド ``` picocom /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 --baud 115200 --imap lfcrlf --omap lfcrlf --echo | tee kz-home.syslog ```

NextCloud with Docker on Raspberry Pi 3B+

要るもの Raspberry Pi3 B+ USB接続できるSSD SSD用のUSB電源 Conoha VPS ドメイン 環境 SSD Raspberry Pi OS (32bits) on Raspberry Pi3 B+ Docker & Docker Compose NextCloud Redis MariaDB Softether VPN Server Ubuntu 20.04 on ConoHa VPS Let's Encry…

How to find Streamline in polar coordinate system